Sunday, August 25, 2013

The heavens declare the glory of God….

On the first day of creation, when darkness covered the earth, God – the Uncreated Light, by the power of His WORD spoke created light into existence.  It was only on the fourth day of creation that God, by the power of His WORD, gathered the created light into one body called the sun.  The sun is an Icon of God.  From the sun we can learn a book full of truth. 

The sun was foreordained to rule all the lesser bodies and the created light of this sun that came from the Uncreated Light – God, would be the source for natural life on earth.  Without it, there could be no life.  All the planets and all of life would revolve around the sun.  It is the center of the universe.

The sun reveals the Holy Trinity.  The sun itself is fire that is not dependent on any other source but yet is never consumed – never burns out.  The Sun is unapproachable by man.  Anyone who gets too close will be consumed.  God the Father, in His essence is unknowable, unapproachable and incomprehensible.

The light that comes from the sun is an Icon of Christ, the Light of the world.  By the light of the sun, we know the sun and participate in its life.  By Christ the Light, God is revealed and we are illumined with the Theophany (manifestation/revelation) of God.

The energy or warmth of the sun is an Icon of the Holy Spirit and the Grace of God.  The Grace of God through the Holy Spirit makes alive that which is dead and empowers that which has no power of its own.

All the other bodies, the moon, planets and stars have light only in as much as they face and reflect the light of the sun.  When they are turned away from the sun they know only darkness as we do each night.

The light that comes from the sun when reflected through a prism reveals seven different colors, Icons of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.   Different objects depending on their nature reflect this light differently.   Objects that are dark don’t reflect much light; objects that are light do.   In this we can see the nature of sin and purity and how it affects the Light and Energy of God in us and through us.   

On rare occasions there is a total eclipse of the sun.  This event holds the world in awe with a certain sense of mystery, fear and dread.  Here we see a glimpse of eternity away from the presence of God – eternal darkness void of life and light and joy where the worm of fear, misery and torment never dies.

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