Saturday, September 21, 2013

Part 7

THE THIRD PERIOD (The first two periods were discussed in parts 5 & 6)

(Exerted from a booklet published by Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY in 1992, no longer in print.)

The third period and the final activities of Antichrist will begin with the seizure of all world power into his own hands.  A condition of utter ruin of the nations of the earth from a great world war will greatly assist him in this.  The majority will see a worldwide administration under Antichrist as the only possible way to avoid new wars and to bring about a new, peaceful blossoming of mankind.

The word of God portrays Antichrist’s coming to world power in the following manner: on the face of the earth, devastated and ruined by war, “then kings shall arise’ (Dan. 7:24).  Seven of them will have “the same thoughts” as Antichrist and will “submit their power and authority to him: (Dan. 17:13).  The other three rulers will attempt to maintain their independence:  Antichrist will have to defeat them by military force (Dan. 7:8, 20, 24).

After Antichrist’s victory over the three “kingdoms”, removing the only obstacle in his path to world mastery, the book of Revelation portrays him in the form of a red beast, having ten horns (i.e. the ten kingdoms submitted to him) and seven heads (i.e. the seven rulers who voluntarily submitted themselves to him and act in the capacity of his representatives in their countries) (Rev. 13:1 from the interpretation of that verse by the Holy Fathers St. Irenaeus of Lyons and St. Cyril of Jerusalem).

Concerning the world wide power of Antichrist, the book of Revelation says: “And power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations” (13:7).  Although the usual human endeavors and means will have significance, the main source of his success will not stem from them.  “And his power shall be mighty, but it will not be his own power” (Dan. 8:24).  Antichrist will receive his authority and power from Satan.  “And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority” (Rev. 13:2).  Only by this constant satanic cooperation with him will it be possible to explain Antichrist’s unusual success in seizing power over the earth so quickly and his exceptional strength, which no human force will be able to resist or hinder. 

The general acknowledgement of Antichrist as worldwide ruler will occur simultaneously with the universal acknowledgement of him as the one spiritual leader of all religions.  Vladimir Soloviev in his last work, Three Conversations, expressed the opinion that Antichrist, having attained power, will gather some form of ecumenical council with representatives from all religions.  In this council (in Jerusalem) Antichrist will offer to unite all into one fold under one pastor.  He will turn his main attention to the Christians of all confessions, promising every sort of protection in return for their acknowledgement of his leadership.  St. Ephraim the Syrian writes, “ He will call himself the preacher and re-establisher of true knowledge of God.  Those not comprehending Christianity will see in him a representative and champion of the true religion and will join with him… and the children of worldly wisdom will hail his presentation… (Bp, Ignaty Brianchaninov).

It is very important to note that all the Holy Fathers consider the main cause of the rapid captivation of mankind by Antichrist to be the lack of spiritual understanding and its total submersion in worldly matters and ways.  [The secularization of Christianity and its consumerism mentality as represented in much of contemporary Christianity will prepare many to receive the Antichrist without discernment.] 

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